Dear Copywriter:
You’re a copywriter. Not a graphic designer.
So your clients don’t expect you to be a desktop publishing whiz – or give them final design or camera-ready art. Their graphic artist does that.
But does that mean you have no say in … and no responsibility for … the look of your promotion and how your copy is laid out?
Quite the contrary: the standard practice today is for copywriters to include a rough drawing of how they want the layout to look – and indicate where their copy fits into the design.
We call this copywriter-created rough layout a “copywriter’s rough.” And you are expected to include a copywriter’s rough today with every copy job you turn in.
Does that concern you because you don’t know how to create a proper copywriter’s rough? If so, you can relax -- and stop worrying.
That’s because I’ve assembled a portfolio of dozens of professionally drawn copywriter’s roughs for just about any copywriting assignment you’re likely to handle – from landing pages and websites, to sales letters and space ads.
With this electronic portfolio in hand, you can instantly give your clients professional-looking copywriter’s roughs. They’re easy to clip and paste right into your copy manuscript – even if you can’t draw a straight line!
Best of all, you can download my full collection of ready-to-use copywriter’s roughs in minutes – risk-free and without obligation -- when you click below now:

NEW! A massive swipe file of
ready-to-use copywriter’s roughs
In the good old days “B.C.” (before computers), we had to draw our copywriter’s roughs with a pencil -- by hand.
I hated doing that, because I can’t draw a straight line – and my roughs always looked terrible.
We also had to mail or FedEx our original pencil sketches to the client with our copy … which meant we had to draw new roughs for every job.
When the PC came along, I realized that the roughs for many of my projects looked basically the same.
After all, a sales letter is a sales letter … and an ad is an ad.
So I gave the faded photocopies of the dozens of copywriter’s roughs I had drawn over the years to my desktop designer.
Under my supervision, he carefully redrew the best ones in Word.
For example, here’s a sample layout. It’s for an illustrated sales letter in which the free bonus report is pictured prominently on the first page of the letter; call-outs to the left of the illustration highlight the valuable contents of the freebie:

After my artist refinished drawing all my roughs to my exact specifications, I stored them as Word files in a subdirectory on my PC.
Whenever I needed a rough, I’d go to the subdirectory and find the drawing I needed.
In many cases, I would cut and paste it without changes into my new copy manuscript.
And since the drawings were now in Word instead of pencil, I could modify any rough in minutes – rather than spend an hour or so redrawing an entire layout just to make a few small changes.
As you can see, I did not develop these roughs in a hurried afternoon just to make money selling them to you as an ebook.
I created them as I needed them during my 25 years as a full-time freelance copywriter – and used them in a freelance copywriting business that has grossed, so far, many millions of dollars in revenues. And now they are yours for the taking, for just pennies apiece.
Copywriters ask me to share these
Layouts with them almost every single day!
Rarely does a day go by when I don’t get at least one email or phone call from a copywriter who wants to see the rough layouts I use for sales letters, home pages, and every other kind of marketing document.
Now, in The Copywriter’s Roughs Clip Art Kit, you get a complete collection of every copywriter’s rough I’ve used to illustrate millions of dollars worth of copywriting projects over the past quarter of a century.
You’ll find not only great copywriter’s roughs for every assignment. But also layouts revealing new marketing methods and promotion ideas you can offer to your clients for even bigger fees!
- The penny letter – attaching a penny to your letter is an old trick invented by Reader’s Digest. Even today it’s a real response-booster. And it only increases your costs a measly $10 or so per thousand pieces mailed. Just use the layout on page 57.
- “Urgent envelopes” – another proven trick: make your outer envelope look like a priority express letter, overnight courier package, telegram, or other urgent format. It never fails to lift response. Page 60.
- 2-column landing page – two-column landing pages often out-pull conventional one-column landing pages. Here’s the template I’ve used in dozens of highly profitable landing pages with high conversion rates. Page 22.
- Oversize postcards – the client asks you to write an oversize postcard. Here’s a simple and straightforward layout that works great. Page 68.
- Illustrated letters – I beat several long-running controls for a major publisher simply by showing a picture of the premium on the first page of my sales letter. Give this layout to your client and watch the orders come pouring in. Page 26.
- Slim jim brochure – ever have trouble explaining where the copy goes on each panel in a tri-fold brochure? Key your copy to the layout on page 12 and everything will be clear.
- Home page design – you’re writing a home page. How much copy do you need? Where does it go? What will the page layout look like? Answer on page 53.
- Order form with tear-off stub – another great sales idea: add a tear-off stub to your order form. The buyer can use it as a receipt of purchase. Or, it can show the premium. Page 18.
- Tri-fold self-mailer – the simplest self-mailer is made by folding an 8 ½ X 11-inch sheet of paper twice and perforating the bottom third to use as the business reply card. And here’s how the layout should look. Page 48.
- Illustrated HTML e-mail – you’re used to writing text e-mails in linear fashion, but your new client uses HTML e-mails. Here’s a layout your copy can fit that takes advantage of HTML’s greater design flexibility. Page 23.
- Cover wrap – a publishing client asks if you can write a “cover wrap.” Just cut and paste this layout into your copy document, and write your copy to fit these four sections. Page 36.
- Press clippings flier – your client has gotten a lot of good PR. He asks if you can use the clips as part of his DM package. Here’s how to lay them out as a montage in a powerful insert sheet. Page 40.
- Invoice-style order form – you’ve seen those 8 ½ X 11” order forms that look like a product invoice. Here’s a ready-to-go layout for creating your own. Page 45.
- Plus: sources for clip cart ... cartoons ... stock photography ... illustrations ... and more....
“That is a great product. I may not live long enough to use even half of the best!” --Susan Coursey

What will my Copywriter’s Roughs cost you?
If I added up all the hours spent creating the copywriters roughs in this kit, it’s easily 60 hours of my time sketching out the roughs in pencil ... and at least that much time for my layout artist to carefully redraw each of my crude layouts in clean Word diagrams.
At my current hourly rate of $500, you’d have to pay me $30,000 to create this collection of more than five dozen copywriter’s roughs.
But this electronic portfolio of my best copywriter’s roughs won’t cost you $30,000 ... or $500 ... or even $100.
Instead, The Copywriter’s Roughs Clip Art Kit is just $39 – less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time!
It’s available to you immediately for instant download – no waiting or shipping costs. And it’s an unlocked file, which makes cutting and pasting these drawings into your own documents a snap.
As a licensed purchaser, you get the ebook as well as unlimited rights to use all of the layouts “as is” -- or customize them to fit your own copywriting business. It’s your choice.
Our 100% iron-clad guarantee of satisfaction
I totally guarantee your satisfaction with this clip art kit.
If you don’t agree that The Copywriter’s Roughs Clip Art Kit can save you hours of valuable time in preparing copywriters roughs for your clients....
Or you are not 100% satisfied for any other reason ... or for no reason at all ... just let me know within 90 days.
I’ll send you a prompt refund of your $39. And you can still keep the ebook with my compliments.
That way, you risk nothing.
So what are you waiting for?
To order The Copywriter’s Roughs Clip Art Kit on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click here now:

Robert W. Bly, Director
CTC Publishing
P.S. Order The Copywriter’s Roughs Clip Art Kit today and get a FREE 50-page Bonus Report, 17 Secrets of the World’s Top Marketing Pros (list price: $29).
In it, you’ll discover:
- The second-most powerful word in direct marketing … and how it helped one marketer increase sales a staggering 900%. Page 8.
- Should you tell prospects about product flaws in your copy? The answer may surprise you. Page 21.
- What F. Scott Fitzgerald can teach you about getting free publicity by being argumentative. Page 40.
- 3 things you must know about mailing lists before you do direct mail. Page 14.
- How to double your inquiries with a “bait piece.” Page 3.
- And more....
To order The Copywriter’s Roughs Clip Art Kit for a no-risk 90-day inspection … and get your FREE Bonus Report … just click here now: